Friday, March 5, 2021

Living Water

I have been thinking about the Lord being our living water. "Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Water takes many forms in nature- clouds, rain, morning dew, snow, springs, rivers, oceans, glaciers. From the deepest valleys of the ocean floor, to the unlimited sky, water is there. 

Water's many forms are praising
The Lord's glory, water's sharing.

In white billowed clouds gathering,
Sun's majestic fire reflecting.

Under your wings you're gathering,
Father's light in you reflecting.

In generous rain descending,
Springs from mountains always flowing.

Father's, Mother's love descending,
Given freely, always flowing.

Rivers to the oceans pouring,
Oceans tides, waves, cleansing, washing.

Lamb of God's blood, life, love pouring,
Renewing hope, cleansing, washing.

Thundering waterfalls roaring,
Crashing droplets, rainbows holding.

Lion of Judah roaring,
All power, virtue, love holding.

Silent snowflakes gently falling,
White snow, blanketing, covering.

Heaven's light, grace gently falling,
Pure love, blanketing, covering.

Morning dew drops, jewels shining.
Glaciers, rivers, moving, shaping.

Your love for us sparkling, shining,
Deeper faith, trust, love, you're shaping.

Water's peaceful mirrors calming,
Sometimes rippling, tumbling, storming,

Let your peace still me, calm me
Through life's waves, tumbling, storming.

Deep oceans, blue sky revealing,
True love's depths, widths, heights, for you, me.

Water is God's love, truth, revealing.
Lord, please forever abide with me.