Today we listened to Andrea Bocelli's live Easter concert in the kitchen as my family made food together. In this time of pandemic and worry, Andrea Bocelli's beautiful music is a gift to all of us. It was a personal reminder to me that where there is a hardship, there are also gifts and blessings from God.
A year and a half ago, we were evacuated from our homes due to forest fires. My then 4-year-old with special medical needs felt the evacuation and upheaval more because of the load she already carries. One day during that fire evacuation, I sat on the floor of my parent's home with her as she cried, she didn't want to do her medical care. I was racking my head, trying to think of something to bring a smile to her and praying for help. I stumbled across a funny video of Andrea Bocelli singing a lullaby to Elmo on my phone. I showed it to her and explained that Andrea Bocelli can't see with his eyes. Like her, he was born with something different from most people. I asked her to imagine what it would be like to be blind, how different life would be. How different playing with friends, going shopping, getting food, and getting where you need to go, would be if you were blind. I explained to her that God gave Andrea a gift, a beautiful voice. Wherever there is something difficult, like being blind, God gives a gift to help you through it. Andrea Bocelli has a gift of singing so beautifully, that his music makes people happy. We talked about some of the gifts she has, the happiness she brings others by just being her, and soon she was smiling again. That day of the fire evacuation, I was so thankful for Andrea Bocelli sharing his gift of music, it had made all the difference to my daughter. Thankfully, medical care has gone OK for our daughter during this time. Having all our children home has been fun and challenging at times too, an adventure! Today, watching Andrea Bocelli's Easter 2020 concert, reminded me of the gifts given by God amidst difficulties.
A video call with my family was one of those blessings this morning. I had taken for granted how great it is to see my parents and siblings and talk with them.
What blessings have come to you because of this pandemic? Are there gifts in your life not fully appreciated until now? What are those blessings? Have you written the gifts and blessings down so that you will remember?
Jesus and his resurrection is the gift we celebrate today. It has been wonderful today to focus on Jesus, and his sacrifice and resurrection. In our world where hardship seems to be everywhere, the gift of love from our Heavenly Parents of their son, Jesus, shines like a light to us in our darkness. Jesus has been through our sufferings and He is here to help us through them. His love and example of always serving others bring meaning to suffering. How much His peace and love mean to me! Today I was reminded of Jesus' resurrection and love for us, and that someday those who suffer from pain and difficulties will be healed. Andrea Bocelli will see. Our daughter will be healed. Those whose hearts are broken with loss will be healed, their tears will be turned to joy. All will see Jesus as the Savior and Redeemer that he is. Jesus overcame sin and death so that we might overcome too. He is our Hope, our Light, our Strength, our Healer.
In Jesus' day, a blind man healed by Jesus was cast out of a crowded synagogue for his brave testimony of Jesus (John 9). It is interesting how the situation is reversed today. Andrea Bocelli, a blind man, testifies of Jesus through music from an empty church while millions of us watched from home, in quarantine. He sang Amazing Grace, "I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see." I hope where ever we are we share the greatness of our Jesus and praise Him, with or without having experienced our healing miracle.
The other day, I prayed and asked the Lord about the pandemic. Like many of you, I have been doing extra work- making masks, preparing freezer meals in case we get sick, making sure vitamin and herbal remedies are ready, preparing our garden for planting. With so much to prepare, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to focus on most. The Lord answered me by giving me a glimpse of himself, the night of His last Passover.
That Passover evening, Jesus knew his trial and crucifixion was at hand, and that things would be much different for his disciples after that night. He focused on strengthening his closest friends. Jesus could have been giving the disciples instructions about temporal, physical preparations to sustain them physically. Instead, Jesus focused on their spiritual needs. He taught his disciples about having peace, unity, love and doing the Father's will. It is amazing to me that on that night, with so much suffering and pain ahead for Him, Jesus focused on serving and strengthening his disciples. He was not focused at all on himself. Jesus always focused on loving others. Jesus shows us that there is strength in serving and loving others, especially when you are in a trial yourself. Jesus' love is truly a light in the dark, his love is so different from how our sinful world operates. I am so thankful for Jesus, for the constancy of His love. What greater love has ever been shown, that what Jesus has given us! I hope we can return to Jesus the love He so freely gives us, by serving and loving God and each other. Our family has been the recipient of some of that generous love from our neighbors and friends during this pandemic quarantine.
I am going to go on a tangent here but then bring it back to the main point. Many people believe that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife. A man could not teach in the synagogue or temple unless he was married. Being married in the Jewish custom was seen as a mark of adulthood. Jesus was most likely married since he taught in the synagogue and temple. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in every account as a close friend of Jesus. It is to Mary that Jesus first appeared after his resurrection. It makes sense that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife.
Going back to the Passover evening before the crucifixion, I believe Mary Magdalene was there at the last supper. Passover was a family event. Mary would be without Jesus' physical support very soon. Beforehand, Jesus likely did the little repairs that needed to be done in their home. Still, Mary would feel so alone with Jesus' death. When Jesus was gone, Mary would remember Jesus' words, his peace and love for her more than any physical preparations. Mary would be provided for through miracles in the moment she needed them, just as the children of Israel were. I was reminded of Jesus' mother, Mary, and that as He was dying, Jesus gave John the charge to take care of her. In the moment of her deep sadness and need, the Lord provided for his mother as well. Trust in the Lord's care and provision for you, was the message to me.
When the children of Israel left Egypt, there was a mountain of preparations for such a long journey. None of their preparations could have sustained them through all the trials, through the wilderness for 40 years. Yet the people were provided for by God. Manna, water, quails, not to mention the Red Sea parting and escaping the deadliest plague- all miracles provided by God. That was the point- to realize completely their dependence on God. To return to trusting in God alone, to focus on God for salvation.
We are at that point again, like the children of Israel. In God is our hope, our faith, our light, our strength. Trust in God, his care and his provision for you has been His message to me as I've asked about the pandemic. And to teach my children to trust in God. How thankful I am for the friend we have in Jesus! What a difference knowing Him has made to me! Thank you dear Jesus for your love!
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